Saturday, May 23, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

Outing #30
PRY12 - 6.65
Catch - 1, 2, 1
YTDC - 34                                                               DAY ONE (1)

Took Brandy out for a ride on the Kish south branch.
We got in at 10:30am and paddled upstream for a ways. I have to say
that I was a bit surprised at the level and clarity of the south branch.
Level was up higher than I expected and clarity was a heavy stain.
There is not much to report as the smallmouth bite was very tough.
I tossed a tube, a buzz bait, and a popper.
The buzz bait drew a couple half assed hits but couldn't get anything on the hook.
The tube was doing nothing, same as the popper.
I did finally manage to pick up one smallmouth on a tube that probably would
have taped at about 10 or 11 inches if I had gone to the trouble.
It was a nice day to be out. I got that I guess.


Did an upstream wade of Kilbuck and didn't much better luck than day one.
I picked up 2 smallies on a tube and one of them silly little pike that like to hit
everything and anything that hits the water. Got out of the water as storms moved into
the area. Not sure if I'll be able to make it out on day three, as the levels are now up and these storms are suppose to stick around for awhile. 

DAY Three (3)

In remembrance of our fallen soldiers today I chose to wade the 
Camp Grant rifle range section of the Kish.
Water was up and stained heavily from last nights rain. I pulled in a skunk on this section
and then made my way back to Kilbuck where there fishing was just as tough, but I
did manage to pull in one dink of about 12" on a topwater.
I believe we have rain in the forecast every day this week so this could have been my
last May outing.

Camp Grant rifle range in the Kishwaukee River 1917

All I found was a popper
Pretty much sums it up.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 20, 2015

Outing #27
PRY12 - 6.56
Catch - 1
YTDC - 30
I met up with with Jim on Monday the 18th for a short wade on Kilbuck.
The water level was up and pretty stained. It was a bit of a surprise to find the creek
in this shape, but it is Spring so what are ya gonna do. I did manage to pull one (1)
dink smallmouth from that water so I was happy not to get a skunk. The main purpose 
for this meet up was so Jim could give me back my bullets......?!!! Fly rod. Sorry. Kind of got caught up in a song there. Anyhoot, my fly rod was kind of coming unraveled and I asked Jim
if he wouldn't mind trying to repair it, as he, Jim, builds his own fiberglass fly rods. Jim agreed 
to take a shot at fixing it and fix it he did. What a fine job. Thanks!

On Wednesday the 20th a big cold front moved into the area and plummeted air temps
into the low 40s. 
Being a kind of dumb man, I soon found myself pulling my waders on and before I knew it,
I was standing waist deep in the Kish, casting a topwater popper at a big hunk of cement, while the rain and sleet hit my cap and sounded as if they were applauding me with each and every cast of my popper. My hands got numb, turned black. and then fell off. I did manage one (1) smallmouth (12") on the topwater (first of the year) before losing my hands. 
I limped my way back to the car and went to work. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Funky Outings

Outing #25
PRY12 - 6.90
Catch - 2
YTDC - 28  
FUNKY OUTINGS                                           

Went out on Friday the 15th before work and pulled in a big fat skunk.
Hit it again on this day of Saturday the 16th, had 2 hits that got on two hooks and brought to two hands. Fished hard tossing everything I had from Tubes to poppers, spinner baits and buzz baits along current seams, nothing was working. The tube was the only thing that brought what little action I could find. I'm thinking the smallies are in their post spawn funk, or a funk from maybe not being able to spawn due to the high waters we received shortly after they made the little love nests. Both fish were in the 12 inch range. Took a few scenic pics the last couple of days.
(click on pics to view larger)

I'd probably breakout if I were to pick them.

Should have been a hot-spot. Nope.

Sunset over Kilbuck

Friday, May 15, 2015

Itch Scratchin'

Outing #23
PRY12 - 7.53
Catch - 3
YTDC - 26

Got out a couple of times before work this week.
Water levels are much higher than I would like but when the itch starts to itch, ya gotta scratch.
On Wednesday the 13th I did an upstream wade at Kilbuck and landed one (1) smallmouth that
was about 12 inches. The first fish of the day for me was a pike, and since I don't like them slimy.
stinking things,  I won't mention that I caught one.
On Thursday the 14th. I did a downstream wade of the same creek and landed two (2) smallies
that were the same size of the smallie from the day before in the area of 12 inches.

Not the most interesting post on this blog is it?
It's a post.

If this rain doesn't stop soon I'm gonna have to start planing for some
catfish outings for the upcoming holiday weekend.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Testing the Bite

Outing #20
PRY12 - 6.34ft.
Catch - 5
YTDC - 22

             Made a quick stop down to the Kish for a solo wade to checkout the bite for the upcoming 
ISA float trip. I was only able to fish a short time of a few minutes over an hour, but did
manage to bring to hand 5 smallies, all of which fell in the range of 10" to 12".
Fish seemed active.

Welcome May

Sunday, April 26, 2015

First Kish Wade of 2015

Outing #19
PRY12 - 6.50ft
Catch - 5
YTDC - 17


Stepped foot into Kilbuck at 1pm and waded up-stream tossing
a tube most of the way. I was getting no action so I switched over to a
topwater popper and couldn't find anything interested in that either. Switched back
to a tube and waded my way back to the takeout and managed to pick up one 10" smallmouth
right at the takeout. I guess I never should have left that area.


I thought I would checkout the Kish south branch, but upon arrival I
discovered that there was a couple bank fishermen at the spot where I planed to
get in at. Crap! Turned the car around and headed for the confluence.
I knew the spot that I wanted to hit, but when I pulled into the parking lot
I saw the car of another buddy, and fellow ISA member, already parked in the lot. 
I got my gear all on, looked around, and saw nobody around. I walked up to the 
drivers door of my buddies car, stuck out my tongue, and licked the hell out of the door handle.


Stepped foot for the first time this year in the Kish. The level was a bit higher
than I would have liked it, but sometimes a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
I decided to stick with the tube and began drifting it thru runs that I thought would be
holding smallies. I thought wrong. Waded back down stream to an area that my buddy Jim and I started fishing last year and I picked up two (2) smallies right away. The first came in at 15", the second taped a tad over 18" and had some beautiful color and markings on it. 
I hit a couple more spots and managed to pull out another 14", and finished the day with a 13".
It felt great to step foot in the Kishwaukee River once again.

!8" Beaut

click to view larger

Saturday, April 18, 2015

4/18/15 Good Day, 6 Fish

Outing #15
PRY12 - 6.74ft.
Clarity - 15 inches
Catch - 6
YTDC - 12

Made my way down to the creek for a few hours and managed to pick up 6 smallies all on a Tube.
I did try a few other types and colors of tubes with the Gander Mountain tubes producing the most fish. I started off landing a 14 1/2" and followed that with my big fish of the day at 17 1/2 inches.
I also landed a 15", two (2) 16'ers and finished the outing with a solid 17".
All fish had strong, beautiful, markings on them.
Felt GREAT to log in the first good day of the year.

17 1/2" Click to view larger

17" Click to view larger

Thursday, April 16, 2015

4/15/15 Bank Fishing

Outing #13
PRY12 - 7.23ft
Clarity - 18"
Catch - 1
YTDC - 6

Made a run to the creek for a short hour and a half wade.
It didn't really go as planned, as I forgot my waders at the house.
Luckily we are still in the early part of Spring, so the weed coverage which
usually lines the river and creek banks has not grown as of yet.
Picked up one (1) smallmouth that taped 14".
All fish caught using a tube.

Ran across these three (3) eggs lying on a sandbar island.
Must be victims of the tornado .
No nest, and no mom & pop gooses to be seen anywhere at all.
Makes one wonder where the coons are?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4/14/15, More Gooder than Goodman

Outing #12
PRY12 - 7.50ft
Clarity - 18 inches
Catch - 1
YTDC - 5

                                                      BACK ON TOP

A buddy of mine claims that he has already landed a 17 1/2" smallmouth this year.
I don't doubt that he has, but it sure is funny how he has never made any
mention of it until he came upon an opportunity to rub it in my face.
That's fine with me, I can take it.
Not to be out done, I stopped down at the creek today and tossed around 
a 3 1/2" YUM Tube. (green/purple) with a 1/16oz bullet weight.
I wasn't getting any action as I waded my way up-stream.
Not a single bite.
I should mention that I was quite surprised at the water clarity after
last weeks storm. The creek looked to be in great shape.
I started wading my way back down-stream and paused at any area
that just had to have fish in it. It's a classic spot.
Riffle, Run, Pool.
I started floating my tube from the riffle, down into and drifting
thru the run, and then into the pool.
(was that a hit?)
(or a rock?)
Hard Tug.
I did a half-assed upward motion to set the hook, but faild.
I tossed the tube back into the run and let it drift into the pool once again and
I could tell the first time the fish hit that it was a nice size fish.
Now that I'm fighting the fish, I'm thinking, Brutus?
Not quite, but a hell of a nice fish that taped 
18 1/4"
More Gooder than Mr. Goodman

18.25 inches

Thursday, April 9, 2015

4/9 Disappointment

Outing #11
PRY12 - 6.53ft
Clarity - 18 inches
Catch - 0
YTDC - 4

Got out for a couple of hours before work and about 7 hours before
the big rain fell.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Outing #10
PRY12 - 6.34ft
Clarity - 2 1/2ft
Catch - 1
YTD Catch - 4

Hit the creek with Jim. I picked up one smallmouth the taped just shy of 12".
Caught on a tube.
Nice day to be out.

Brad Pitt?

11 3/4"

4/4/15 - It's about damn time!

Outing #9
PRY12 - 6.45
Clarity - Slight stain 2 1/2ft.
Catch - 3

So the plan was to fish the Kish south branch at Deer Run F. P. but a quick
stop at Oak Ridge to see the water level with my own eye kind of made me 
change my mind and head back to the 'buck. The wind was blowing hard on
this day, and at one point where the creek opens up and there are no trees to block the sun or wind,
there were whitecaps. This area is where I landed my third and largest fish (15 1/2") of the day, but the wind was just too great to fish the area very long.

I never have bought in, or believed, in the smallmouth migration theory, but after the last two
weeks of outings, fishing the same area, I am now a true believer. I have seen it with my own eye.
With that being said, I'm kind of excited to see what the 2015 smallmouth migration class brings in.


All fish were caught using a tube.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Outing #8
PRY12- 6.53
Clarity - Slight stain 2 - 2 1/2ft.
Catch - 0

Not even a bite.
I am starting to lose my patience.

Friday, April 3, 2015


Outing #7
PRY12- 6.38
Clarity - Slight stain 2 1/2
Catch - 0

It's been 4 months since I caught my last smallie.
You can't say I didn't try. Still looking for that first smallmouth
of the season. Today I burned my last 2014 vacation day and spent
5 hours wading Kilbuck. The creek is still flowing clear and beautiful, so
I still managed a very enjoyable day away from work.
I waded up stream casting a tube into eddies, deep holes, around submerged logs, and
along current seams. No luck. Tied on a swim jig and cast that around for a while with no luck.
Tied on a spinner bait and tossed that around for a bit with no luck. I was digging thru my vest and ran across a weighted float and some flies. What the hell.
The float-n-fly produced the same as everything else this outing, nothing.
Better than a day spent at work.

On March 31, 2015, I stopped by the confluence I could see in the distance that
Julie's Tree still stands.

Julie's Tree

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Outing #6
PRY12 - 6.43
Clarity - Clear 3 1/2ft.
Catches - 0

Stopped down at the creek before work and was quite surprised at the clarity.
I must say that I am very pleased with the Kilbucks' water.
I believe it's time to construct a nice visual report on how she has bounced back
from this event.......

Kilbuck 3/30/15

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Outings - #3, #4, #5
PRY12 - 6.90 - 6.45
Clarity - Clear, 3ft +
Catches - 0, 0, and 0

        Looking for that 1st smallmouth of the year. No luck as of yet.
Air temps have been running near 50 to mid 50's, with overnight temps
dipping back into the low 30's or even lower. The overnight temps seem to be keeping the water temp in the low 40's. Once the water temps can reach near 50, the smallmouth bite will turn on.
I got out before work, fishing from shore, on 3/18 and 3/20. On Saturday I met up with Jim 
for a lower Kilbuck wade. It was nice to step foot in water once again. The creek looks nice and we found what seems like should be damn good areas once the water temp warms up.

"The Spot"
Photo by Jim S.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Outing #2
PRY12 - 7.43
Clarity - stained
Catches - 0

Stopped down at the creek for a couple hours before work. Worked a tube close to bridge pylons and also brush/strainers/log jams/downed trees, get the idea? No hits/taps/bumps/tugs, no catches.
Water looked good. It was stained, but not a heavy stain. Levels were a tad high but dropping.
Bugs buzzed around my head.

Monday, March 16, 2015


Outing #1
PRY12 - 8.33
Clarity - stained
Catches - 0

Let it be known that on this date (3/14/15) the 2015 search for Brutus did begin.
Hit the Kilbuck and Kish, fishing from shore, with no luck.
Water levels are running a tad high. Tossed a float and fly rig and then switched to a tube.

Friday, February 27, 2015

1/3 of 12 = HELL

It has now been pretty much 4 months since my last smallie catch.
Most of the winter I had high hopes of an early spring. Hell, we barely had any snow
on the ground on January 31st. Then February happened. From day one this February month has
been a bitch. The area received  12" of snow on Feb. 1st., followed by sub-zero temps which
ran the entire month all the way to today. I'm about sick of February.
On a good note, I met up with fishin' pal, Jim, for some breakfast and a run out to
Gander Mountain. Jim gave me a fly box he picked up that had an image burned onto it that
Jim thought looked like me with my Rushmore hat on. Thanks, Jim!

I was able to get away to Apalatchicola Florida for a few days of warmth. I didn't do any fishing
while down in the little oyster town, just had a few drinks and as much fresh shrimp as I could 
stick in my mouth. While visiting some of the shops, my wife picked me up a nice fishing journal.
I plan to use this journal as a written log on my search for Brutus.

I'll be glad to see this month of February in the past. Needless to say my
"high hopes" for an early spring have just about diminished, along with my hopes of topping my 1st. smallie catch of 2014 on April 19th. You can bet your ass I'll be trying, but I gots me a feelin' we are heading for high waters for most of the 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jan. 17, 2015
PRY12 Gage - 6.27


Here we go with a new year and another season of chasing down Brutus, the 20 inch Kishwaukee River smallmouth. The air temp on this day (1/17/15) were near
40 degrees, so I decided to make my way down to the Kish to enjoy the warm weather, stretch my legs a bit, and to just spend some time with my old friend, the Kish.
The river is about 90% froze over with a few spots that are opened. 
I walked the trails of Blackhawk Springs Forest Preserve and made my
way across the springs and snapped a couple of pics. The natural spring water temps keep
at a constant level which is somewhat above the freezing point so these springs never freeze,
and are warm enough to support algae growth.
I did scout out a couple locations on the Kish for early Spring smallmouth. :)